Airports Authority of India invites applications from the eligible candidates to apply
ON-LINE through AAI’s Website for the post of junior executive and junior executive electronics-careers for electronics and communication engineers and telecommunication engineers
Event Date
Opening date for on-line registration on website. 28.02.2012
Closing date for online registration on website. 30.03.2012
Last date for receipt of payment though DD/PO 26.03.2012
Last date for receipt of payment through credit/debit card. 26.03.2012

Post and Qualifications
Age Limit:
Maximum age 27 years as on 01/02/2012
Eligible applicants are required to apply through ‘online application Format’ available on AAI’s websites The link is
→career→online recruitment.
The payment can be made by any of the following mode:
Through Demand Draft (DD) / Pay Order (PO) - Rs.420/- (Rupees four hundred only for application fee + Rs.20 for processing charges) payable in favour of “Airports Authority of India” drawn on any bank and payable at any of the HDFC Branches, referred in link “list of branches” .
Through Credit/Debit card – Rs.414.34 (Rs.400/- for application fee + Rs.14.34 as processing charges)
No payment of DD/PO will be accepted at any other location except at the HDFC bank as above.
Click Here for online Notifications
Click Here to Apply Online
ON-LINE through AAI’s Website for the post of junior executive and junior executive electronics-careers for electronics and communication engineers and telecommunication engineers
Event Date
Opening date for on-line registration on website. 28.02.2012
Closing date for online registration on website. 30.03.2012
Last date for receipt of payment though DD/PO 26.03.2012
Last date for receipt of payment through credit/debit card. 26.03.2012
Post and Qualifications
Age Limit:
Maximum age 27 years as on 01/02/2012
- Screening and Eligibility will be based on the details provided by the candidates. Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement. Furnishing of wrong/false information will be a disqualification and AAI will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/false information.
- The selection shall be made on the basis of written test/ interview for the post of Jr. Executive (ATC/ Electronics). Voice test to be conducted for Jr. Executive (ATC) at the time of interview.
- Training period/Bond amount/bond period will be intimated alongwith terms and conditions of appointment
Eligible applicants are required to apply through ‘online application Format’ available on AAI’s websites The link is
→career→online recruitment.
The payment can be made by any of the following mode:
Through Demand Draft (DD) / Pay Order (PO) - Rs.420/- (Rupees four hundred only for application fee + Rs.20 for processing charges) payable in favour of “Airports Authority of India” drawn on any bank and payable at any of the HDFC Branches, referred in link “list of branches” .
Through Credit/Debit card – Rs.414.34 (Rs.400/- for application fee + Rs.14.34 as processing charges)
No payment of DD/PO will be accepted at any other location except at the HDFC bank as above.
Click Here for online Notifications
Click Here to Apply Online
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