(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Advt. No.: 01/2012
Last Date: 10-03-2012
A] Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) - a Maharatna Public
Sector Enterprise and the leading steel-making company in India, invites applications from eligible
persons for the following posts:

* Qualification must be from an Institute recognised by State / Central Govt.
Candidates selected for the above posts will be required to undergo, on the job training, for a period of 2
(two) years, which can be extended for a further period of 2 (two) years, as per requirement.
1. Candidates joining as Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) will be paid consolidated pay of Rs8250/- per
month for the 1st year and Rs9350/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion of
training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs9160-
2. Candidates joining as Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) will be paid consolidated pay of Rs6600/-
per month for the 1st year and Rs7700/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion
of training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-1 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs
On their regularisation in respective grades (S-3/S-1) as mentioned above, in addition to Basic Pay
and Industrial DA, they shall also be entitled to get Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, free medical
treatment for self and dependant family members, accommodation subject to availability/ House Rent
Allowance, reimbursement of Local Traveling Expenses, LTC/LTA, Leave Encashment etc. as
admissible under rules of the Company.
1. Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Test.
2. Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the Written Test will be required to
appear in the Interview.
3. Date, Time & Place of the Written Test and Interview will be intimated to eligible / shortlisted
candidates through e-mail /SMS/ SAIL website
The tentative list of cities where written test shall be conducted is mentioned below:
1. Rourkela
2. Sambalpur
3. Bhubaneswar
4. Cuttack
5. Kolkata
6. Raipur
7. Jamshedpur
Candidates may indicate their choice of cities from among those mentioned above for written test as
per their preference. However, SAIL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the
response in that area/centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate. No request for change of
examination centre shall be entertained.
1. The reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC category is as per Presidential Directives.
2. Reservation for Persons with Disabilities(PWD) shall be on horizontal basis. PWDs belonging to
categories of disability mentioned against each discipline / trade above and having disability of 40%
or more shall only be considered.
1. The maximum age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificate issued by the
Competent Authority in the prescribed format as available on company’s website
2. The maximum age is relaxable by 3 years for OBC candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Other Backward Class Certificate issued on or after
01/04/2011 (the current financial year) by the Competent Authority and self declaration in the
prescribed formats as available on company’s website OBC candidates who belong
to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled to age relaxation.
3. In the case of Persons with Disability category, maximum age is relaxable by 10 years for
GENERAL, 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the
format as available on company’s website
4. In case of Ex-Servicemen, maximum age is relaxable as per Government directives.
1. a.) Candidates belonging to General/OBC category will be required to pay application fee of :
(i) Rs250/- (Rupees Two Hundred & Fifty only) for the post of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
(ii) Rs150/- (Rupees One Hundred & Fifty only) for the post of Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee)
b.) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/ESM category will be required to pay processing fee of
Rs50/- (Rupees Fifty only) for the post of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) / Attendant-cum-
Technician (Trainee)
2. In addition to the application / processing fee as above, candidates will be required to pay an amount
of Rs20/- (Rupees Twenty only) as Bank Charges.
1. Candidates not fulfilling the requirements specified in this advertisement need not apply.
2. Candidate must be an Indian national possessing requisite qualification from an Institute recognised by
State Govt. /Central Govt.
3. Selection/joining of the candidate will be subject to medical fitness as per rules of the company.
4. Candidates employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce NOC
from the employer at the time of interview.
5. No Traveling Expenses would be payable to candidates called for Written Test. Outstation candidates
belonging to SC/ST categories, attending the interview will be reimbursed 2nd Class; single to and fro
Railway fare/Bus fare from the normal place of correspondence to the place of interview by the
shortest route on production of original ticket(s), provided the distance covered by rail or road is more
than 30 kilometers each way.
6. SAIL/RSP reserve the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature or the whole process of
test/interview, without assigning any reason thereof and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained in this connection.
7. Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on
joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the
eligibility criteria.
8. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Rourkela.
Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website at the link “Careers with SAIL”. No other mode of application shall be accepted. To apply,
candidates may click at the link of the post applying for and submit information online in the appropriate
Before registering their application on the website, candidates should ensure the following :
(a) Have a valid e-mail ID and Mobile No, which should remain valid for at least two years.
(b) Have latest passport size coloured photograph as well as photograph of own signature in digital
format (.jpg or jpeg file only, each less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the application.
While submitting the application online, candidates should note the following:
1. Category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM) once submitted in the application cannot be changed and
no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible.
2. Written Test for the posts of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) and Attendant-cum-Technician
(Trainee) shall be held in separate sittings. Candidates applying for both the posts should register
separately with separate application / processing fee.
3. Download Bank Challan from the website after filling in the required details.
4. After applying online, candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with
unique registration number and other essential details and retain a copy of the same.
5. Candidate must write his/her name as it appears in the educational certificate of Matriculation or
equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage necessary documentary proof to be
submitted at the time of interview.
6. Candidates are not required to send any document for appearing in the written test. However,
candidates shortlisted for interview would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of date of
birth, qualification, category, PWD/ESM status etc. at the time of interview as per intimation given to
the shortlisted candidates.
7. While filling the online application, candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete
application/ application without fee / application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected
summarily. No communication will be entertained from the applicants in this regard.
State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorised to collect the application / processing fee in a
specially opened Account No. 31955226331 at SBI, RSP Campus Branch, Rourkela, on behalf of
SAIL/RSP. Candidate has to take a printout of the bank challan available on the Application Registration
Portal and approach a branch of SBI for depositing the fee. Candidates should retain a copy of the bank
challan with them. On receipt of the money the concerned branch of SBI will issue a unique Journal
Number and the Branch Code of the Bank. The Journal Number and the Branch Code are to be filled up
by the candidate during online registration. The SBI branches will accept the fee from 06-02-2012 to 10-
03-2012 during working hours. Fee shall not be collected by any other mode. Fee once paid shall not be
refunded under any circumstances.
All correspondence with candidates shall be done through e-mail/SMS only. All information
regarding “Test Schedule/Admit Card/Interview Call Letters etc.” shall be provided through
email/SMS/uploading on SAIL website. Candidates must download/ print their Admit Card/Interview Call
Letter once it is made available on the application portal. SAIL/RSP will not be responsible for any loss of
email/SMS sent, due to invalid or wrong email ID/ Mobile Number provided by the candidate or for delay /
non-receipt of information if a candidates fails to access his/her email/Mobile in time. Candidates will be
allowed to appear in the Written Test only if they possess valid Admit Card.
1. Starting date for submitting Applications through website : 06-02-2012
2. Closing date for submitting Applications through website : 10-03-2012
For officia Notification:Click Here
To Know Applaying Method : Click Here
Official Website: Click Here
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Advt. No.: 01/2012
Last Date: 10-03-2012
A] Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) - a Maharatna Public
Sector Enterprise and the leading steel-making company in India, invites applications from eligible
persons for the following posts:
* Qualification must be from an Institute recognised by State / Central Govt.
Candidates selected for the above posts will be required to undergo, on the job training, for a period of 2
(two) years, which can be extended for a further period of 2 (two) years, as per requirement.
1. Candidates joining as Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) will be paid consolidated pay of Rs8250/- per
month for the 1st year and Rs9350/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion of
training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs9160-
2. Candidates joining as Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) will be paid consolidated pay of Rs6600/-
per month for the 1st year and Rs7700/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion
of training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-1 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs
On their regularisation in respective grades (S-3/S-1) as mentioned above, in addition to Basic Pay
and Industrial DA, they shall also be entitled to get Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, free medical
treatment for self and dependant family members, accommodation subject to availability/ House Rent
Allowance, reimbursement of Local Traveling Expenses, LTC/LTA, Leave Encashment etc. as
admissible under rules of the Company.
1. Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Test.
2. Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the Written Test will be required to
appear in the Interview.
3. Date, Time & Place of the Written Test and Interview will be intimated to eligible / shortlisted
candidates through e-mail /SMS/ SAIL website
The tentative list of cities where written test shall be conducted is mentioned below:
1. Rourkela
2. Sambalpur
3. Bhubaneswar
4. Cuttack
5. Kolkata
6. Raipur
7. Jamshedpur
Candidates may indicate their choice of cities from among those mentioned above for written test as
per their preference. However, SAIL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the
response in that area/centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate. No request for change of
examination centre shall be entertained.
1. The reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC category is as per Presidential Directives.
2. Reservation for Persons with Disabilities(PWD) shall be on horizontal basis. PWDs belonging to
categories of disability mentioned against each discipline / trade above and having disability of 40%
or more shall only be considered.
1. The maximum age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificate issued by the
Competent Authority in the prescribed format as available on company’s website
2. The maximum age is relaxable by 3 years for OBC candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Other Backward Class Certificate issued on or after
01/04/2011 (the current financial year) by the Competent Authority and self declaration in the
prescribed formats as available on company’s website OBC candidates who belong
to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled to age relaxation.
3. In the case of Persons with Disability category, maximum age is relaxable by 10 years for
GENERAL, 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates. Shortlisted candidates called for
interview will be required to produce Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the
format as available on company’s website
4. In case of Ex-Servicemen, maximum age is relaxable as per Government directives.
1. a.) Candidates belonging to General/OBC category will be required to pay application fee of :
(i) Rs250/- (Rupees Two Hundred & Fifty only) for the post of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
(ii) Rs150/- (Rupees One Hundred & Fifty only) for the post of Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee)
b.) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/ESM category will be required to pay processing fee of
Rs50/- (Rupees Fifty only) for the post of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) / Attendant-cum-
Technician (Trainee)
2. In addition to the application / processing fee as above, candidates will be required to pay an amount
of Rs20/- (Rupees Twenty only) as Bank Charges.
1. Candidates not fulfilling the requirements specified in this advertisement need not apply.
2. Candidate must be an Indian national possessing requisite qualification from an Institute recognised by
State Govt. /Central Govt.
3. Selection/joining of the candidate will be subject to medical fitness as per rules of the company.
4. Candidates employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce NOC
from the employer at the time of interview.
5. No Traveling Expenses would be payable to candidates called for Written Test. Outstation candidates
belonging to SC/ST categories, attending the interview will be reimbursed 2nd Class; single to and fro
Railway fare/Bus fare from the normal place of correspondence to the place of interview by the
shortest route on production of original ticket(s), provided the distance covered by rail or road is more
than 30 kilometers each way.
6. SAIL/RSP reserve the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature or the whole process of
test/interview, without assigning any reason thereof and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained in this connection.
7. Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on
joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the
eligibility criteria.
8. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Rourkela.
Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website at the link “Careers with SAIL”. No other mode of application shall be accepted. To apply,
candidates may click at the link of the post applying for and submit information online in the appropriate
Before registering their application on the website, candidates should ensure the following :
(a) Have a valid e-mail ID and Mobile No, which should remain valid for at least two years.
(b) Have latest passport size coloured photograph as well as photograph of own signature in digital
format (.jpg or jpeg file only, each less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the application.
While submitting the application online, candidates should note the following:
1. Category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM) once submitted in the application cannot be changed and
no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible.
2. Written Test for the posts of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) and Attendant-cum-Technician
(Trainee) shall be held in separate sittings. Candidates applying for both the posts should register
separately with separate application / processing fee.
3. Download Bank Challan from the website after filling in the required details.
4. After applying online, candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with
unique registration number and other essential details and retain a copy of the same.
5. Candidate must write his/her name as it appears in the educational certificate of Matriculation or
equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage necessary documentary proof to be
submitted at the time of interview.
6. Candidates are not required to send any document for appearing in the written test. However,
candidates shortlisted for interview would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of date of
birth, qualification, category, PWD/ESM status etc. at the time of interview as per intimation given to
the shortlisted candidates.
7. While filling the online application, candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete
application/ application without fee / application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected
summarily. No communication will be entertained from the applicants in this regard.
State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorised to collect the application / processing fee in a
specially opened Account No. 31955226331 at SBI, RSP Campus Branch, Rourkela, on behalf of
SAIL/RSP. Candidate has to take a printout of the bank challan available on the Application Registration
Portal and approach a branch of SBI for depositing the fee. Candidates should retain a copy of the bank
challan with them. On receipt of the money the concerned branch of SBI will issue a unique Journal
Number and the Branch Code of the Bank. The Journal Number and the Branch Code are to be filled up
by the candidate during online registration. The SBI branches will accept the fee from 06-02-2012 to 10-
03-2012 during working hours. Fee shall not be collected by any other mode. Fee once paid shall not be
refunded under any circumstances.
All correspondence with candidates shall be done through e-mail/SMS only. All information
regarding “Test Schedule/Admit Card/Interview Call Letters etc.” shall be provided through
email/SMS/uploading on SAIL website. Candidates must download/ print their Admit Card/Interview Call
Letter once it is made available on the application portal. SAIL/RSP will not be responsible for any loss of
email/SMS sent, due to invalid or wrong email ID/ Mobile Number provided by the candidate or for delay /
non-receipt of information if a candidates fails to access his/her email/Mobile in time. Candidates will be
allowed to appear in the Written Test only if they possess valid Admit Card.
1. Starting date for submitting Applications through website : 06-02-2012
2. Closing date for submitting Applications through website : 10-03-2012
For officia Notification:Click Here
To Know Applaying Method : Click Here
Official Website: Click Here
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