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Company Name:Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM) -unit of 

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)

Position: Technical officer,Scientific Assistant,Technician,Work Assistant
Education: BE/B-Tech,Diploma,ITI
Application Mode: Offline/Postal

Last date To recieve Application:28/01/2012
Experience:  Fresher or Experienced

Deatails Of Vacancies

Name Of Post
No.of vanacies
Pay Scale
Technical Officer `C’  (Civil)
01 ( Reserved for candidates with Locomotor Disability with 40% and
above disability)
B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering
 minimum 60% marks.
Technical Officer `C’  (Electrical)
B.E./B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering
minimum 60% marks. 
Scientific Assistant/ B (Civil)
02 ( Two)  (One OBC  , One Unreserved)   
 Diploma  in Civil Engineering minimum of 60% marks ( 3 years after S.S.C.)
Scientific Assistant/ B ( Electrical)

02 ( Two)  (One  OBC  , One Unreserved  )

Diploma  in Electrical Engineering
minimum of 60% marks ( 3 years after S.S.C.)  
Scientific Assistant/ B ( Mechanical)

01 ( One OBC)
Qualification : Diploma  in Mechanical
minimum of 60% ( 3 years after S.S.C.)

Technician /B (Plumber)

09 (Nine) (  One ST , Three OBC and Five Unreserved) 

SSC/HSC (both Science and Maths) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate plus Trade certificate  of not less than one year duration in Plumbing.
Technician /B (Carpenter)

08(Eight)   (One ST, Two OBC and Five Unreserved)   

SSC/HSC (both Science and Maths) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate  plus Trade certificate of not less than one year duration  inCarpentry.  

Technician /B (Mason)

06(Six)  ( Six Unreserved)
SSC/HSC (both Science and Maths) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate  plus Trade certificate  of not less than  one year inMasonry
Technician /B (Electrical)

Number of Posts : 12(Twelve )  ( One ST, Four OBC, Six Unreserved, One

SSC/HSC (both Science and Maths) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate plus Trade certificate of not less than one year inElectrical
Technician /B (Fitter)
08 (Eight)  (One OBC, Seven Unreserved)  
SSC/HSC (both Science and Maths) with a minimum 60% marks in
aggregate plus  Trade certificate  of not less than  one year in

09(Nine)    (One OBC ,  Seven  Unreserved, One ST)

Tenth /S.S.C  pass
 (Over qualified people can apply for the post only if they are willing  to carry out the job of Work Assistant as mentioned)  

Salary details

Selection Mode

(Cat I to V)             : Selection will be on the basis of performance in the Personal Interview.
(Category VI to X) :Selection will be on the basis of performance in the Trade Test and 
Personal Interview.
(Category XI )        :There will be written examination and interview for recruiting  Work Assistant /A and the selected candidates will have to undergo an induction programme for three months

How To Apply

i) Application should be submitted in the proforma given below preferably typewritten on thick
foolscap paper (Size : 34 cms. X 22 cms.).
ii) The Application and the outer cover should be superscribed as “Application for the post of
________________________________Category No.________ against Advertisement
iii) Separate application should be submitted for each post, if a candidate wishes to apply for more
than one post.
iv) Photograph : A recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the right hand top corner
of the application. One additional copy of the passport size photograph should also be sent
along with the application.
v) Copies of Certificates : Candidate should submit alongwith their application, attested copies of
the following certificates :
        a) Educational qualification and Technical qualification (supported by appropriate mark
sheets indicating the subjects offered at the examinations)
        b) Date of Birth.
        c) Experience Certificate, if any.
        d) If the candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC Category certificate issued by Competent
Authority that the candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC Category. OBC candidates to produce
latest Non Creamy Layer Certificate.
        e) The candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC should clearly indicate the same in the
application (even when applying for Unreserved vacancy).
         f) Discharge certificates from Defence Service (In case of Ex-serviceman).
         g) In the case of candidates with physically disability, certificate from appropriate authority
regarding Physical Disability.


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